Sunday Skeptism: Grounding/ Earthing

Having a chronic illness that has no cure and only a little research often makes people vulnerable to try nearly anything once. As a result, some scam artists prey off of that vulnerability and try to market products that do absolutely nothing or very little. Each Sunday I will investigate a treatment- do their claims lay in science or if they are taking advantage of people?

Science In This Article

Placebo effect– The effect that occurs when a patient takes a treatment and sees a positive result just because they are being treated. The result may happen even if the patient knows it is the placebo.
Blinded- The best studies are blinded. This means that the observer and researcher do not know which group is receiving treatment and which is not. Blind studies ensure that the researcher does not tamper with the results or give any subconscious bias while administering the test.
Electrons- Electrons are tiny negatively charged subatomic particles.
Grounding (electricity)- In electricity, the purpose of grounding is to reduce the risk of electrical shock and discharge static electricity.
Cortisol- Cortisol is called the “stress hormone” and is created in times of stress.

It Looks Like Science

Grounding is the process of going barefoot or making direct contact with the earth in order to access the earth’s “healing energy” in the form of electrons. Earthing and grounding are used interchangeably. Beyond this, earthing and grounding “experts” cannot even define their terms consistently. Some enthusiasts claim grounding is absorbing the electrons from the earth. Other enthusiasts sell mats and protective (from the electrons given off by the earth) coverings for your car, sleeping bag, carpet etc.
Grounding splits into two fields of focus. One focuses on contact with the actual earth which I see as the less harmful of the two because there is less money to lose. The other focus in grounding is on electrons on any surface and how to protect the body (probably because they make more money this way).

When you read about the claims by grounding enthusiasts they tend to throw around some scientific words that can be quite convincing. However, the science is either nonsense or claimed as fact without any proof. Grounding enthusiasts claim grounding creates a more stable bio-electrical environment within our bodies. Is there anything to prove it?


Not-So-Scientific Claims

This is the story that was posted that lead me to making this post. I have many problems with this article and they begin before grounding even comes up.

Claim:”it is a recognized scientific fact that if a human baby is not held, hugged and touched enough, it will literally stop growing.”
Not only does this have nothing to do with grounding, but it is also untrue. This is the article they are referring to. The article clearly states that there is a link between brain development and human touch, nothing about suddenly not growing. The article makes it clear early on they don’t care about scientific integrity right off the bat and goes downhill.

The article shows promise when it starts mentioning scientific studies, but upon further inspection they aren’t very scientific studies.
Claim: “The study concluded that Earthing resynchronized levels of cortisol within the body”
Grounders claim that cortisol levels prove grounding helps. Researchers did see a decrease in cortisol levels after grounding, but likely not for the reasons they claim. It is likely these results come from placebo effect or report bias alone.

Claim: The studies also claim that patients using a grounding mat reported improved sleep, calm, and insomnia. Again, without a control group it is unlikely that the results were more than placebo effect.

In addition, the studies were not blinded. Blind studies ensure that the researcher does not tamper with the results or give any subconscious bias while administering the test. That makes the results less valuable. Not all scientific- looking articles are actually science.

There are known benefits to being outside and connecting to nature. Many people find reconnecting with nature relaxing and rejuvenating, but claiming a handful of health problems are cured by grounding is taking advantage of the vulnerable.

They Will Take Your Money & A Lot Of It

This glorified sleeping bag plugs into the wall and costs $259.99, but of course you can’t get just that. You also have to get a “continuity checker.” These companies are taking advantage of the average person not understanding electricity and electrons. They sell voltmeters as if they need to be especially for grounding.


They Claim The Benefits Of Being Outside Are All From Grounding

Reconnecting with nature works to lower stress in many people, and the grounding craze appeals to this. Sometimes walking outside barefoot is nice and relaxing. Grounders claim that all the good feelings that come from being outside are actually from grounding. They claim that grounding helps, some even claims it cures, basically all illness and sell extremely overpriced junk to desperate people.

If you still aren’t convinced grounding doesn’t work and want to try grounding for yourself I suggest you do not buy any of their “grounding” products. Try it for free at your favorite park.


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