4 Problems With The Pain Scale
Two people’s 7/10 may be wildly different. The scale does not work as a stand-alone tool without considering the pain patients have felt in the past.
Life Experiences and Advice for Living with chronically Ridiculous illnesses
Two people’s 7/10 may be wildly different. The scale does not work as a stand-alone tool without considering the pain patients have felt in the past.
Two weeks ago I went in for an injection in my back. The doctor, instead of being focused on my pain and comfort, decided to use me seeing him as a platform to push alternative medicine on me. By the end of my time with him I was sobbing because I was so frustrated from…
Pokemon Go is a new game that came out this past week and has already become a sensation with 15 million downloads already. The game encourages players to get out, get up, and get moving. The more a player walks around, the more gear they get, Pokemon they catch, the faster they level up, and…
Dear Healthy People, There are a lot of articles out there about what you should stop saying to sick people. Here are some things healthy people need to think about before they say because they are hurtful. Please stop saying and doing the following. You are being insensitive and ignorant. I try so hard to…
For how common POTS is there is some exceptionally bad information out there. As a result, people are getting the wrong ideas about POTS. Dealing with misconceptions constantly becomes frustrating.
Ehler’s Danlos is a group of inheritable connective tissue disorders related to the formation of collagen. EDS was named by two physicians, Edvards Ehlers and Henri-Alexandre Danlos, in the 1900’s. Hypermobile Ehler’s Danlos (hEDS) is the least severe type of Ehler’s Danlos, but it can still be a debilitating and cause a lot of serious problems….
I usually talk and write about POTS and Dysautonomia. Like many people with POTS I also have hEDS (Ehler’s Danlos). The Ehler’s Danlos National Foundation (EDNF) had a conference this weekend. One doctor, Dr. Lavallee, managed to outrage most of the EDS community with just one slide. Dr. Lavallee put up this slide. If you…
Like a lot of people with Ehler’s Danlos III, I have back problems and hip problems. In the past, I have received epidurals for the pain and the injections have been lifesavers. This time my body decided to be uncooperative. The first injection went fine, but as they began the second injection Cerebral Spinal Fluid…
For those of you who don’t know what I’m talking about, Cake is a movie with a Jennifer Anniston about a woman in chronic pain. When my partner first downloaded the film I was really excited to watch it. Chronic pain is a real struggle for so many people. Our story will finally be told!…
Medical marijuana is a hugely controversial topic, but it doesn’t need to be. Current research is biased towards finding the dangers of marijuana instead of looking at possible medical use. Researchers who have studied cannabis have found many uses for marijuana (in adults).